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👑 Electrochemistry

Rank Model Fraction Correct
1 Claude-3.5 (Sonnet) 0.9
2 GPT-4o 0.864
3 GPT-4 0.809
4 Claude-3 (Opus) 0.783
5 Llama-3-70B-Instruct 0.745
6 Claude-2-Zero-T 0.673
7 Claude-2 0.664
8 GPT-3.5 Turbo 0.618
9 Phi-3-Medium-4k-Instruct 0.591
10 Gemini-Pro 0.591
11 Command-R+ 0.541
12 Llama-3-8B-Instruct 0.536
13 Mistral-8x7b-Instruct 0.527
14 Gemma-7b-Instruct 0.427
15 Galatica-120b 0.364

Leaderboard Plot

The following plot shows the leaderboard of the models based on the fraction of correctly answered questions. This fraction is calculated as the number of correct answers divided by the total number of answers. The leaderboard is sorted in descending order of the fraction correct.