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Modeling and BenchmarkingπŸ”—

MatText provides pipelines for seamless pretraining(pretrain) and benchmarking (benchmark) with finetuning (finetune) on multiple MatText representations. We use the Hydra framework to dynamically create hierarchical configurations based on the pipeline and representations that we want to use.

Pretraining on Single MatText RepresentationπŸ”—


The pretraining datasets we provide in MatText are only deduplicated based on the CIF string. That means that structures with slightly translated positions (e.g. conformers) might occur multiple times in the training set.

Depending on the use case, this can lead to problems including data leakage. Hence, you might need to use, for example, one of the other representations for deduplications.

python -cn=pretrain model=pretrain_example +model.representation=composition +model.dataset_type=pretrain30k +model.context_length=32

Here, model=pretrain_example would select pretrain_example as the base config for pretrain run -cn=pretrain.

All config file can be found here, inside respective directories.

cd /conf/
Base configs can be found at /conf/model

+model.representation can be any MatText representation. The pipeline would use data represented using that particular representation for training. +model.dataset_type can be one of the MatText pretraining datasets. +model.context_length would define the context length.


Use meaningful context length according to the representation to avoid truncation of structures.

The + symbol before a configuration key indicates that you are adding a new key-value pair to the configuration. This is useful when you want to specify parameters that are not part of the default configuration.

In order to override the existing default configuration from CLI, use ++, e.g., ++model.pretrain.training_arguments.per_device_train_batch_size=32.

For advanced usage (changing architecture, training arguments, or modeling parameters), it would be easier to make the changes in the base config file which is /conf/model/pretrain_example, than having to override parameters with lengthy CLI commands!

Running Benchmark on a Single MatText RepresentationπŸ”—

python -cn=benchmark model=benchmark_example +model.dataset_type=filtered +model.representation=composition +model.dataset=perovskites +model.checkpoint=path/to/checkpoint

Here, for the benchmarking pipeline(-cn=benchmark) the base config is benchmark_example.yaml. You can define the parameters for the experiment hence at \conf\model\benchmark_example.yaml.


Here +model.dataset_type=filtered would select the type of benchmark. It can be filtered (avoid having truncated structure in train and test set, Only relatively small structures are present here, but this would also mean having less number of sampels to train on ) or matbench (complete dataset, there are few big structures , which would be trunated if the context length for modelling is less than 2048).


+model.dataset_type=filtered would produce the report compatible with matbench leaderboard.

Reports path

Benchmark report is saved to the path defined in the base config. By default to "${hydra:runtime.cwd}/../../results/${now:%Y-%m-%d}/${now:%H-%M-%S}/$

Pretraining or Benchmarking Multiple MatText RepresentationsπŸ”—

The easiest way to model multiple representation in one run would be by using config-groups and multirun

python --multirun -cn=benchmark model=benchmark_example +model.dataset_type=matbench +group-test=slices,composition

Here, we create a config group (directory with config files for different representations) at /conf/<config group name>

In the above example, we have two config files (slices.yaml, composition.yaml) inside the config group group-test. with --multirun enabled we can launch the pipeline parallely or sequentially (by default) for the representations, Here two but representations, but once can add more.

The child config (config inside the config group ) would override or add the key value pair on top of the base config (here benchmark_example).


configs inside group-test extends the benchmark_example and override the representation name, batch size, etc in the base config.

example child config

# @package _global_
    wandb_project: pt_30k_test

  representation: cif_p1
    name: pt_30k_test
    context_length:  1024
      per_device_train_batch_size: 32
      data_root_path: </path/to/dataset>


Read more about extending configs here.

Configuring Experiments and ModelπŸ”—

The main configuration for the run is in config.yaml and other configs are grouped in respective folders. An example directory structure of configs is below.

β”œβ”€β”€ conf
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ pretrain.yaml
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ pretrain30k
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ cifp1.yaml
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ cifsymmetrized.yaml
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ composition.yaml
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ crystal_llm.yaml
β”‚   β”‚   └── slice.yaml
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ finetune30k
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ cifp1.yaml
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ cifsymmetrized.yaml
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ composition.yaml
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ crystal_llm.yaml
β”‚   β”‚   └── slice.yaml
β”‚   └── model
β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€ finetune_template.yaml
β”‚       └── pretrain_template.yaml
β”œβ”€β”€ models

We use the HF Trainer, and hence, by default, it supports DP. For DDP support you can run

python -m --nproc_per_node=4  /path/to/ --multirun model=pretrain_template +pretrain30k=cifp1,cifsym,composition,crystal_llm,slice

Here model=pretrain_template selects pretrain_template as the base config and override/extend it with +pretrain30k=cifp1. This would essentially start pretraining with cifp1 representation for the dataset-30K

Note +pretrain30k=cifp1,cifsym,composition,crystal_llm,slice will launch 5 jobs parallelly, each of them with pretrain_template as the base config and corresponding experiment template extending them.

Launcher - Tips

For launching runs parallely checkout hydra submitit slurm launcher. you can override it from cli / or change it in the main config file. For kubernetes based infrastructures hydra submitit local launcher is ideal for parallel jobs. Or you can use the default hydra multirun launcher, which will run jobs sequentially.

Adding New ExperimentsπŸ”—

New experiments can be easily added with the following step.

  1. Create an experiment config group inside conf/ . Make a new directory and add an experiment template inside it.
  2. Add / Edit the configs you want for the new experiments. e.g, override the pretrain checkpoints to new pretrained checkpoint
  3. Launch runs similarly but now with the new experiment group
python --multirun model=pretrain_template ++hydra.launcher.gres=gpu:1 +<new_exp_group>=<new_exp_template_1>,<new_exp_template_2>, ..

Running a BenchmarkπŸ”—

python -cn=benchmark model=benchmark_example +model.dataset_type=filtered +model.representation=composition +model.dataset=perovskites +model.checkpoint=path/to/checkpoint

Finetuning LLMπŸ”—

python -cn=llm_sft model=llama_example +model.representation=composition +model.dataset_type=filtered +model.dataset=perovskites

The + symbol before a configuration key indicates that you are adding a new key-value pair to the configuration. This is useful when you want to specify parameters that are not part of the default configuration.

To override the existing default configuration, use ++, for e.g., ++model.pretrain.training_arguments.per_device_train_batch_size=32. Refer to the docs for more examples and advanced ways to use the configs with config groups.


Define the number of folds for k-fold cross-validation in the config or through the CLI. For Matbench benchmarks, however, the number of folds should be 5. The default value for all experiments is set to 5.

Using DataπŸ”—

The MatText datasets can be easily obtained from HuggingFace, for example

from datasets import load_dataset

dataset = load_dataset("n0w0f/MatText", "pretrain300k")

Using Pretrained MatText ModelsπŸ”—

The pretrained MatText models can be easily loaded from HuggingFace, for example

from transformers import AutoModel

model = AutoModel.from_pretrained ("n0w0f/MatTextβˆ’cifp1βˆ’2m")

Here the pretrained model checkpoint is downloaded form Hugging Face hub, this step require internet for the first time.

Training Other Language Models Using Mattext PipelineπŸ”—

You can pretrain models that are compatible with AutoModelForMaskedLM from Hugging Face using our framework. The path to the model or the model name (model name in Hugging Face) can be defined using the +model.pretrain.model_name_or_path argument. Here’s an example:

python -cn=pretrain model=pretrain_other_models +model.representation=slices +model.dataset_type=pretrain30k +model.context_length=32 +model.pretrain.model_name_or_path="FacebookAI/roberta-base"

For better manageability, you can define the model name and configuration in the base config file. This way, you don't need to specify the model and model configs in the CLI.

  name: test-pretrain
  exp_name: "${model.representation}_${}"
  model_name_or_path: "FacebookAI/roberta-base"
  dataset_name: "${model.dataset_type}"
  context_length: "${model.context_length}"

    hidden_size: 768
    num_hidden_layers: 4
    num_attention_heads: 8
    is_decoder: False
    add_cross_attention: False
    max_position_embeddings: 768

Pretraining on Your Custom DatasetπŸ”—

You can use your own datasets stored locally on your machine or hosted on the Hugging Face Hub.

For using dataset in a local path, Define the dataset_local_path variable in your base configuration file. By default, this value is set to False, indicating no local dataset is used. Refer to the example configuration file /conf/model/pretrain_own_data_example, execute the following command to run the pretraining script with your local dataset:

python -cn=pretrain model=pretrain_own_data_example +model.representation=composition +model.context_length=32 ++model.dataset_local_path=path/to/local

For Hugging Face datasets, specify the repository (data_repository) and dataset type (dataset_type) in the configuration.

key names

Ensure your dataset has a key for the specific representation used for training